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Japan earthquake: Radioactive leak plugged at reactor

A leak of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean from Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has been stopped, its operator reports.


China tops global clean energy table

China remains the world's leading investor in low-carbon energy technology, a global study has shown.


UN report: Cities ignore climate change at their peril

Urban areas are set to become the battleground in the global effort to curb climate change, the UN has warned.


Tokyo water 'unfit for babies' due to high radiation

Tokyo's tap water is unfit for babies to drink after radiation from Japan's quake-hit nuclear plant affected the capital's water supply, officials said.


Tracking down the crafty neutrino

A global gathering of scientists in rural France is trying to pin down the commonest – almost undetectable – nuclear particle

Displaying results 491 to 495 out of 2977